Faculty Highlights

Faculty Scholarship Activity



Woods, A., Whitten, A., & Boettger-Tong, H. (2024). Effects of linalool and linalyl acetate on Betta splendens agonistic behavior. Southeastern Biology, 71(1-4).

McGlashan, A., Brinkerhoff, K., Folk, C., & Boettger-Tong, H. (2024). Comparative effects of all-trans and 4-hydroxy retinoic acid on early Danio rerio development. Southeastern Biology, 71(1-4).

Bray, K., Bauman, E., & Eaton, M. (Eds.). (2023, October). Earthly things: Immanence, new materialism, and planetary thinking. Fordham University Press.

Beike, D. R., Cole, H. E., & Merrick, C. R. (2023). Specific autobiographical memories are a resource for identity strength among mature but not emerging adults. Memory31(10), 1437-1458.

Cole, H. E., & Merrick, C. R. (2024). Fear's altruistic quandary: Unraveling pro-social choices. In Proceedings of the International Psychological Application Conference and Trends (InPact) (pp. 32-35). 

Jung, G. (2023). Bridging psychological and political liberation: Black Buddhism and Black radicalism. Religious Studies Review. https://doi.org/10.1111/rsr.17082

Weber, C., Zhen, Y., & Arias, J. (2024). Markets and artists in music: Political economy of music during the COVID-19 era and beyond. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003144328

Zhen, Y. (2024, January 31). Expert commentary on credit cards with no foreign transaction fees. WalletHub.com. https://wallethub.com/credit-cards/no-foreign-transaction-fee/#expert=Ying_Zhen



Bennett-Day, B. (Feb, 2024) Revisiting Rosenhan: Using a flawed study to encourage critical thinking about ethics and societal impact. Paper presented at the Annual Southeastern Teaching of
Psychology (SETOP) conference.

Bray, K. (2023, November). Body passion: Rethinking fat theology and Bad citizen: The labor of single mothering as critique and call for change.  Paper presented at the American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting.

Cole, H. E., Beike, D. R., & Merrick, C. R. (2024, April). Unlocking identity: Autobiographical memories strengthen identity in mature adults. Paper presented at the International Psychological Application Conference and Trends (InPact), Porto, Portugal.

Cole, H. E., & Merrick, C. R. (2024, April). Fear's altruistic quandary: Unraveling pro-social choices. Paper presented at the International Psychological Application Conference and Trends (InPact), Porto, Portugal.

Doherty, M., & Cole, H. (2023, October). Connecting campus and community: Collaborative dialogues for community-based reparations. Presentation at the National Coalition for Dialogue and Discussion (NCDD) conference, Atlanta, GA.

Doherty, M. and Cole, H. (2023, October). Wesleyan College Crafting Democratic Futures Community-based Reparations Grant Report [Conference presentation]. National Convening of Crafting Democratic Futures Three-Year Grant Recipients, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Wallace, M., Hardy, J., & Ferrari, J. B. (2023, October). Social interactions, temporal clustering, and dominance rank of birds at a water source. Paper presented at the Fall Meeting of the Georgia Ornithological Society, Jekyll Island, GA.

Grace, M.G. (2024, March 21). Edge Effects and Species Spillover Vary Across Different Agricultural Contexts. Paper presented at the 86th annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists (ASB), Chattanooga, TN.

Young, A. and Grace, M.G.  (2024, March, 21). Comparing Arthropod Activity on Hanging Versus Ground-Level Chicken Carcasses in a Forest Environment. Poster presented at the 86th annual meeting of the
Association of Southeastern Biologists (ASB), Chattanooga, TN. 

Harter, T. (2023). An Inexpensive alternative to electronic medication administration.  Presentation at the 2024 Georgia Association for Nursing Education Conference.

Harter, T., & Wheeler, A. M. (2024, March). Implementing AI in nursing education. Nursing Science Symposium: Connecting Clinical Practice and Nursing Research.  Paper presented at the Georgia Association of Nursing Educators Conference, Suwanee, GA.

Higginbotham, I., & Ferrari, J. B. (2024, March 20-23). Feeder visitation by a wintering Selasphorus hummingbird in relation to temperature and day length in Georgia. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Chattanooga, TN.

Scordato, J., & Ferrari, J. B. (2024, March 20-23). The dawn chorus in the Georgia Piedmont in relation to environmental variables. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Chattanooga, TN.

Wallace, M., & Ferrari, J. B. (2024, March 20-23). Hourly and seasonal patterns of visitation and sociality of Eastern Bluebirds at an artificial water source. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Chattanooga, TN.

Gan, C. (2023, November 3). One piano, eight hands, controlled chaos! Presentation at the Georgia Music Teachers Association Conference, Shorter University, Rome, GA.

Jung, G. (2024, March 14-17). Black and Asian American diasporic return narratives and the unsettling of linear progressive temporality. Paper presented at the annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, Montreal, Canada.

Jung, G. (2023, November 18-21). Imagined and realized Black-Asian solidarity and American Buddhism. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, San Antonio, TX.

Kostiuk, K., Goss, N., Hart, D., McMahon, M., & Taylor, D. (2024, February 2-3). How to make accounting fun (or at least less painful). Paper presented at the Georgia Association of Accounting Educators Annual Conference.

Lease, J. (2024, March). Let students light the way: Self-efficacy, agency, and new directions for honors programs in the 21st century [Panel presentation]. Paper presented at the  Georgia Organization for Student Success Annual Conference, St. Simons, GA.

Lockwood, K. (2024). Using a standardized patient in a postpartum hemorrhage simulation to determine pre and post confidence levels. Paper presented at the Georgia Association of Nursing Educators Conference.

Landaverde, Y., Flores, P., Rohoman, A., Castillo, V., Bradley, C., Boettger-Tong, H., & Rowan, J. D. (2024, April). The effects of cannabidiol (CBD) on double alternation learning in 3H/HeNHsd mice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Association, Orlando, FL.

Rowan, B. E., & Rowan J. D. (2024, April). Did the global pandemic affect quantitative literacy scores? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Association, Orlando, FL.

Sappi, A.  (2024-April 11) Le rejet de l’occident dans le roman de détective ouest africain : Analyse herméneutique de l’œuvre de l’écrivain Malien Moussa Konaté (The turning down of western in the West African’s detective novel: Hermeneutic analysis of the work of Malian’s writer Moussa Konaté). Presentation at the Southeast Coastal Conference on Languages and Literature. Savannah-GA. 

Sappi, A. (2024-June 13). From fairy tale “One Thousand and one Nights” to the power of reading.  Presentation at the Advanced Placement Exam- Educational Testing Service (ETS). Tampa, FL.  

Sappi, A. (2024-July 4-14). Detective novel and society. Why study humanities nowadays? The University of Douala and The University of Yaoundé-Cameroon. 

Simpson-Miller, B. (2024, June).  We can eat peas and rice, not rice and peas.  Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Food and Society conference, Syracuse, New York.

Simpson-Miller, B. (2024, January).  To chop means to eat:  The cosmology of taste in Ghanaian foodways. Paper presented at the Florida Conference of Historians, Melbourne, FL. 

Simpson-Miller, B. (2023, March).  A new approach to teaching historical literacy in introductory courses.  Paper presented at the USG Teaching & Learning Conference, Athens, GA. 

Wilcox, V. (2023-2024). Making math meaningful: The impact Governor’s Teaching Fellows had on my teaching. Paper presented at the Wesleyan College's Faculty Research Symposium, Macon, GA; Georgia Educational Research Conference, Macon, GA; National Council for the Teachers of Mathematics Conference, TX.

Zhen, Y. (2024, March). English Proficiency and the Success of Immigrant Musicians in the COVID 19-Era in the United States.  Paper presented at the 45th Annual MEIEA Educators Summit, Music and Entertainment Industry Educators Association, Atlanta, GA.

Zhen, Y. (2024, February). English Proficiency and the Success of Latino Musicians in the COVID 19-Era in the United States.”  Paper presented at the 27th Annual Conference on the Americas, University of Georgia.

Zhen, Y. (2024, January). New Book with Routledge and Stories Behind it: "Artists and Markets in Music: The Political Economy of Music During the Covid Era and Beyond.  Paper presented at the 4th International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE), Virtual Session.


Public Lectures

Dowda DeMer, S. (2023, October). Boundless and unknown [Presentation]. Wesleyan College Faculty Research Symposium.

Dowda DeMer, S. (2024). [Guest Lecturer]. Grant Writing in the Arts, UNC Charlotte for Contemporary Curation course.

Dowda DeMer, S. (2024). [Featured speaker]. Wesleyan CEO Leadership Lab Career Series.

Ferrari, J. (2023, March). Birding in Shirley Hills [Presentation]. Shirley Hills Garden Club, Macon, GA.

Ferrari, J. (2023, August). Birding in Macon [Presentation]. Georgia Wilderness Society, Macon, GA.

Ferrari, J. (2023, October). Reflections from a bird bath: What game cameras can teach us about bird ecology [Presentation]. Wesleyan College, Macon, GA.

Gan, C. (2023, November 16). North Dekalb Music Teachers Association improvisation lecture/workshop. Duluth, GA.

Gan, C. (2023, May 22 – June 25). [Guest Lecturer]. Tunghai University Mini-Semester, Taiwan.

Gan, C. (2023, October 7). Spice it up! [Presentation]. Atlanta Music Teachers Association, GA.

Wheeler, A. (2023, October). Utilizing WIC as an immersive role-playing project for Community Health nursing students [Presentation]. Faculty Research Symposium, Wesleyan College, Macon, GA.

Wisker, S. (2023, October 18). Saying more than is set down for them: Clowns and upstaging in Shakespeare [Presentation]. Faculty Research Symposium, Wesleyan College, Macon, GA.

Zhen, Y. (2023, September 21). [Invited Speaker]. Insights on the Music Industry. Georgia Southern University Webinar Series.

Zhen, Y. (2023, October). Artists and markets in music: The political economy of music during the Covid era and beyond [Presentation]. Wesleyan College Faculty Research Symposium, Macon, GA.


Applebee, D. (2024). Macon Georgia Crosstown 2 [Exhibition]. Cowles Myles Collier East Gallery, Wesleyan College, Macon, GA.

Dowda DeMer, S. (2024). Surface of the possible [Exhibition]. Day & Night Projects, Atlanta, GA.

Dowda Demer, S. (2024). [Exhibition]. This is Us, Wesleyan art faculty exhibition.

Dowda DeMer, S. (2024). [Exhibition]. Society for Photographic Educators SE Division conference.

Dowda DeMer, S. (2024). Across Town: Second Annual Intercollegiate Art Faculty Exhibition [Curator]. Wesleyan College's East Gallery.

Gan, C. (2024, July 15-28). ASMI International Music Festival, Premicuolore, Italy.

Gan, C. (2024, June 25). Silent film performance: Buster Keaton's "The Camera Man". Landschulheim Marquartstein, Germany.

Gan, C. (2024, June 6). Klavier und Tier* [Solo Recital]. k1 Traunreut, Germany.

Gan, C. (2024, May 10). Improvisation workshop. Middle Georgia Music Teachers Association.

Gan, C. (2024, April 21). Rome Symphony Orchestra Young Artists' Concerto Competition [Collaborative Pianist]. Rome, GA.

Gan, C. (2024, April 1). Solo Recital. Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA.

Gan, C. (2024, February 29). Georgia Musicale Group Recital. Duluth, GA.

Gan, C. (2024, February 3). LaGrange Symphony Orchestra Young Artists' Concerto Competition [Collaborative Pianist]. LaGrange, GA.

Gan, C. (2024, January 12). Piano Ensemble Recital. Lenbrook, Atlanta GA.

Gan, C. (2024, January 1). Piano and Stories in Blue. Stadtkino Trostberg, Germany.

Gan, C. (2023, December 31). Silverster Jazz Gala Concert. Saalfelden, Austria.

Gan, C. (2023, December 22). Christmas Jazz. Morles Weineria, Trostberg, Germany.

Gan, C. (2023, December 6-18). Silver Tree Christmas Choral Festival. Austria, Slovenia, Germany.

Gan, C. (2023, November 5, 9). One Piano, Eight Hands, Controlled Chaos!. Wesleyan College (Morning Music Club), St. Andrew Christian Church, Macon, GA and Filipino American Christian Fellowship, Warner Robins, GA.

Gan, C. (2023, October 12). *Piano Masterclass*. Georgia Southern University, Savannah, GA.

Gan, C. (2023, October 7). Masterclass for Atlanta Music Teachers Association. GA.

Gan, C. (2023, October 6). First Friday Macon performance at Wesleyan Leadership Institute. Macon, GA.

Gan, C. (2023, July 6, September 8 and October 12). "piano goes nature". k1 Traunreut, Germany, Fleet Landing, Jacksonville, FL. And Georgia Southern University, Savannah, GA.

Gan, C. (2023, June 27). Silent Film Concert featuring Méliès, Keaton, and Chaplin shorts. Landschulheim Marquartstein, Germany.

Hayashi, Y. (2024). Yokai from the West [Solo exhibition]. Murphey Art Gallery, Wesleyan College, Macon, GA.

Hayashi, Y. (2024). Across Town 2 [Faculty group exhibition]. East Gallery, Wesleyan College, Macon, GA.

Hayashi, Y. (2024). This is Us [Group exhibition]. Leadership Lab, Macon, GA.



Applebee, D. (2024). Macon Georgia Crosstown 2 [Exhibition]. Cowles Myles Collier East Gallery, Wesleyan College, Macon, GA.

Dowda DeMer, S. (2024). Surface of the possible [Exhibition]. Day & Night Projects, Atlanta, GA.

Dowda Demer, S. (2024). [Exhibition]. This is Us, Wesleyan art faculty exhibition.

Dowda DeMer, S. (2024). [Exhibition]. Society for Photographic Educators SE Division conference.

Dowda DeMer, S. (2024). Across Town: Second Annual Intercollegiate Art Faculty Exhibition [Curator]. Wesleyan College's East Gallery.

Gan, C. (2024, July 15-28). ASMI International Music Festival, Premicuolore, Italy.

Gan, C. (2024, June 25). Silent film performance: Buster Keaton's "The Camera Man". Landschulheim Marquartstein, Germany.

Gan, C. (2024, June 6). Klavier und Tier* [Solo Recital]. k1 Traunreut, Germany.

Gan, C. (2024, May 10). Improvisation workshop. Middle Georgia Music Teachers Association.

Gan, C. (2024, April 21). Rome Symphony Orchestra Young Artists' Concerto Competition [Collaborative Pianist]. Rome, GA.

Gan, C. (2024, April 1). Solo Recital. Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA.

Gan, C. (2024, February 29). Georgia Musicale Group Recital. Duluth, GA.

Gan, C. (2024, February 3). LaGrange Symphony Orchestra Young Artists' Concerto Competition [Collaborative Pianist]. LaGrange, GA.

Gan, C. (2024, January 12). Piano Ensemble Recital. Lenbrook, Atlanta GA.

Gan, C. (2024, January 1). Piano and Stories in Blue. Stadtkino Trostberg, Germany.

Gan, C. (2023, December 31). Silverster Jazz Gala Concert. Saalfelden, Austria.

Gan, C. (2023, December 22). Christmas Jazz. Morles Weineria, Trostberg, Germany.

Gan, C. (2023, December 6-18). Silver Tree Christmas Choral Festival. Austria, Slovenia, Germany.

Gan, C. (2023, November 5, 9). One Piano, Eight Hands, Controlled Chaos!. Wesleyan College (Morning Music Club), St. Andrew Christian Church, Macon, GA and Filipino American Christian Fellowship, Warner Robins, GA.

Gan, C. (2023, October 12). *Piano Masterclass*. Georgia Southern University, Savannah, GA.

Gan, C. (2023, October 7). Masterclass for Atlanta Music Teachers Association. GA.

Gan, C. (2023, October 6). First Friday Macon performance at Wesleyan Leadership Institute. Macon, GA.

Gan, C. (2023, July 6, September 8 and October 12). "piano goes nature". k1 Traunreut, Germany, Fleet Landing, Jacksonville, FL. And Georgia Southern University, Savannah, GA.

Gan, C. (2023, June 27). Silent Film Concert featuring Méliès, Keaton, and Chaplin shorts. Landschulheim Marquartstein, Germany.

Hayashi, Y. (2024). Yokai from the West [Solo exhibition]. Murphey Art Gallery, Wesleyan College, Macon, GA.

Hayashi, Y. (2024). Across Town 2 [Faculty group exhibition]. East Gallery, Wesleyan College, Macon, GA.

Hayashi, Y. (2024). This is Us [Group exhibition]. Leadership Lab, Macon, GA.


Cole, H. E. (2024, April). Chair of oral presentations on educational psychology: Perspectives on teaching and motivation in the classroom. Session chaired at the International Psychological Application Conference and Trends (InPact), Porto, Portugal.

Gan, C. (2023, February 17). [Judge]. Coweta-Fayette Music Teachers Association Auditions, Atlanta, GA.

Gan, C. (2023, September 15). [Jury]. American International Music and Art (AIMA) Online Composition Competition.

McGhee, M. (2024, February 26). [Adjudicator]. GAPPS Region I High School Literary Competition, Forsyth, GA.

McGhee, M. (2023-2024). [Music Director/Organist]. First Presbyterian Church, Macon, GA.

Dowda, DeMer, S. (2023-2024). [Art Editor]. Brink Literary Journal, issues 6 and 7.

Dowda DeMer, S. (2024). [Juror]. International RFP for The Open Air Media Festival, Iowa City, IA.

Dowda DeMer, S. (2023-2024). [Editorial writer]. ArtsATL. 

DeSmet, S. (2023-2024). [Evaluator]. Critical Language Scholarship Program for the U.S. Department of State.

Doherty, M. (2023-2024). [Principal Investigator]. Crafting Democratic Futures Mellon Foundation grant on community-based reparations. https://www.gpb.org/news/2024/04/22/long-time-coming-how-macon-preserving-black-history-in-bronze-and-qr-codes-one-by.

Simpson-Miller, B. (2024, September). [Invited Talk]. The Distinctive Role of Independent Colleges in Reckoning with Slavery, Plenary Panel Council of Independent Colleges, Memphis, TN.

Simpson-Miller, B. (2024, August). [Invited Talk]. A Jubilee, Panel Speaker at Central Georgia's annual food literacy event featuring food education, cultural marketplace and art showcase, Central Georgia.

Simpson-Miller, B. (2024, March). [Invited Talk]. Wesleyan Class Traditions: The Ties that Bind Us,  Center for Georgia Studies, Georgia College and State University, Milledgeville, GA.

Simpson-Miller, B. (2024, March). [Invited Talk]. Telling Difficult Stories about Your Institution and Your Community, 2024 NetVue Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Simpson-Miller, B. (2023, November). [Invited Talk]. Telling Difficult Stories about Your Institution and Your Community, Council of Independent Colleges, Chief Academic Officers Institute, Tampa, FL.

Simpson-Miller, B. (2022-2023, May). [Invited Talk]. Beyond terroir: Situating food, place and taste in cross-cultural comparison, SOAS University of London Food Studies Centre workshop for invited scholars, Groznjan, Istria, Croatia.

Simpson-Miller, B. (2023, March). [Invited Talk]. Wesleyan Class Traditions: The Ties that Bind Us, Historic Macon, Sydney Salon, Wesleyan College, Macon, GA.

Simpson-Miller, B. (2024).  [Convener].  Institute of Historical Research, University of London.

Selke, S. (2024). [Review Committee Member]. 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.

Zhen, Y. (2023-2024). [Reviewer]. Journal of Cultural Economics.

Zhen, Y. (2023-2024). [Reviewer]. International Journal of Research & Innovation in Social Science.

Zhen, Y. (2024, Summer). [Judge]. The 18th Annual Best Undergraduate Paper Award Competition, First Panel, International Atlantic Economic Society.

Zhen, Y. (2023, Summer). [Judge]. The 17th Annual Best Undergraduate Paper Award Competition, First Panel, International Atlantic Economic Society.

Zhen, Y. (2024, May 28). [Invited Participant]. RBG Mini-Conference 2024 on Economics Teaching at Women's College (NSF Program), Minnesota Center for Diversity of Economics, St. Catherine University, Atlanta, GA.

Calendar of Events

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